Saturday, April 14, 2007


This blog has been created to encourage the sharing of knowledge & enthusiasm, for Airgun shooting and collecting in the Oregon Area.

It is a means for those shooting in basements, backyards and garages in our area to meet other airgun shooters interested in establishing group shooting activities and creating or sharing airgun ranges for mutual education and enjoyment (such as a local field target club/range.)

Airgun collecting and ownership is continuing to rise in the US. This blog is an attempt to allow for those owners and collectors to share their experiences and knowledge. Whether you collect Whiscombe and Quackenbush or own Gamo's and Crosmans your thoughts and participation is most welcome.

Ultimately, it would be desirable for us to have a show and club events in our area. Due to the pressures of work and family it is difficult for many of us in Oregon to travel to the exisitng events which tend to be in the eastern part of the US.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the blog.

1 comment:

BobC said...

Having trouble posting to BB's blog. so i'm just testing. Can you help? Hope this reaches you. TIA